You deserve a home that holds you + a life that fulfills you. 

You deserve a home that holds you + a life that fulfills you. 

Private 1:1 mentorship for the heart-drive visionaries who are ready to listen to the whispers of their soul + take the first step to bring the vision of their dream home to life.

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mentor to independant women | developer | building + interior designer 


To embrace the woman who aligns her life to the whispers of her soul.

To the woman who holds ALL OF THE KNOWING + TRUTH in her body + soul.

Who is the INITIATOR OF HER VISION, creating what she needs to thrive in all of her fullness.


to your own soul aligned space where you are filled up.  Where you slow down to experience the mystery + hear the whispers of your soul.

To the woman who having returned home, has a FULL CUP TO GIVE + RECEIVE FROM.

Guiding You

Be Supported...

IS a five week private 1:1 mentorSHIP for you, the heart driven visionary, who is ready to bring the vision of a space where your soul feels at home to life.

Guiding You Home

You'll be connected with your 
Which is the solid FOUNDATION, that together we'll create                                                       for
your home from.                                     


SOUL'S knowing + truth.


Using GUIDING YOU HOME as the very FIRST STEP in the journey of creating your home means that you are resourcing yourself to;
  • confidently share your vision with your design + construction team, in a way that everyone understands.
  • make decisions with ease, clarity + conviction from a place of sovereignty. 

You'll be connected with
your                       your 
Which is the solid FOUNDATION, that together we'll create                                                       
for your home from.                                     

This program includes everything you need to do that thing

#1&2 -  Steeped in story

Creating a soul-filled home starts with connecting to the truth of who you are.  A flow of new understanding woven with logic, reason + divine knowing can then be revealed.

#3 -  Design flavour

Exploring your design aesthetic, functional needs + experiential design (design that prioritizes human interaction within a space)

#4 -  Interpreting the language

You're supported to step up + lead, when you understand the unique language we professionals communicate with.  One thats part technical, detailed, visual + conceptual.    

#5 -  Playing by the rules

In sharing the 'rules of the game', I want you to know you always have choices available to you AND they may not always exisit within the 'rules of the game'.  This will come up when you're collating your team + throughout your journey of the design/construction process.

The details:

The logistics:

5 x 2hr guided zoom calls over a 5 week period.

post call guidance with workbooks, activation practices + prompts.

In between call access via telegram.


December 2022 OR  2nd week of January 2023

start in...

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#1&2 - Steeped in story

Creating a soul-filled home starts by connecting to the truth of who we are.  A flow of new understanding woven with logic, reason + divine knowing can then be revealed.

#3 - Design flavour

Exploring your design aesthetic, functional needs + experiential design (design that prioritizes human interaction within a space)

#4 - Interpreting the language

You're supported to step up + lead when you understand the unique language we professionals communicate with.  One that's part technical, detailed, visual + conceptual

#5 - Playing by the rules

In sharing the 'rules of the game', I want you to know you always have choices available to you AND they may not always exisit within the 'rules of the game'. This will come up when you're collating your team + throughout your journey of the design/construction process.

The details:

The most beautiful homes are created with


You truly do deserve to be living in a home that holds you.  A home that supports you in living a life that fulfills you.

  • A home that CONNECTS YOU to life, encouraging you to slow down and savour the small moments. 
  • A home that TELLS A STORY of the most important moments of your life.  Like kids growing up, shared milestones and celebrations. 
  • A home that NOURISHES + RESTORES YOU when the outside world gets too much.

all of this is available to you as a reality, rather than a dream!
guiding you home is the perfect place to start.

RECEIVING support from someone who is soley in your corner.  
Someone who is providing for you, what you provide for others.  Where your needs + desires are pre-empted.  Someone who passionately believes in you and your vision for your life + home.

It's your time to say yes to;

MORE!!!!  More of what lights you up and brings you joy.  Hosting a dinner party for friends.  Soaking in a bath surrounded by candles and silence.  Being woken naturally by the sun as it peaks through your bedroom curtains in the morning.

INSPIRED ACTION and all that comes with it like syncronicity, ease, heightened intuition, natural flow.  Your dream home + fulfilling life can happen without your needing to hustle, force and over strategise. 

Let's do this thing.


“Emily makes people feel seen,
heard + valuable.  Getting excited
about what EXCITES THEM.”

- Jackie T. 

You don't have
to do it alone.

Building or renovating your home is an enormous commitment on
so many levels (emotional, mental, spiritual, time, financial).

As a 'SOLO' woman myself, I know that with life in general;
  • The stakes can feel high.
  • Decisions feel weighted.
  • Time can be a fickle mistress.
  • So many people are relying on you.

What I also know, is that there's a special kind of magic that comes
with sharing intentions, creating in partership AND the revealing
of possibilities that are only seen and imagined through collaboration.

For years I've watched clients contort themselves in order to create within, what for them is a counter-intuitive industry structure.  One where they don't feel like they are creating in partnership, don't enjoy the experience and if they had their time over again, have shared they would do things very differently.

I want you to have a different experience.  I want you to love the journey as much as you love the home you create.

That's possible through you being connected with your vision, who you are and your being resourced from the very beginning.

'guiding you home' is a 1:1 mentoring container, created specifically to support you in moving from dreaming to creating your soul-filled home. 

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You're stronger than you think.

and if you're anything like me, you become even more of a powerhouse with the right support. 

Which is why you're cautious of wasting your time trying to figure it out on your own, risking making the wrong decisions and f@#king up your home. 

Set yourself up for success by aligning yourself with a mentor
, someone who's by your side, got your back and has been there and done it before. 

A mentor who will guide you to be an active participant having two-way conversations throughout your design + construction journey, because you understand the process and language. 

A mentor who will support you in being deeply grounded in your why, so that you have confidence, clarity and conviction when making decisions. 

That alone saves you time, money and stress because you're not second guessing your choices during the design or construction phases (every change made during the design + construction journey will always incur a charge).

you're in the right place.

December 2022
2nd week of January 2023

start in....

Let's Chat →

Let's do this thing.


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“The ache for home lives in all of us.  The safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned”

Maya Angelou

victorian era OBSESSED, self development devotee, over achiever

Hi, I'm Emily, Your Design BFF + Home Mentor.

I have qualifications in Building Design and Drafting, Interior Design, Building and Construction (Estimating).  Currently studying digital graphic design AND to be an Embodied Soul Guide. 

Over the years having specialised in both commercial and residential building design.  I believe in design that connects us to who we are which intern influences how we show up in life.

I'm known for my geniune warmth, intuitive creativity and solutions-focused approach. 

My days are excitingly full with designing + building my Victorian Era inspired holiday accomondation in Daylesford, studying to be an embodied soul guide, all the things that come with being a single mum to two boys AND mentoring rebel-hearted women.

i can help because i've been there

I've been overwhelmed + brought to my knees with despair.

At 35 years of age when I was told I had bowel cancer and less than 12 hours later was in surgery OR when my marriage/relationship of 20 years came to an abrupt end.... it felt like my world had fallen apart.

At the time I hadn't realised how much I'd lost and hidden myself in the busyness of life AND in the roles of mum and wife.  Choosing to prioritse my boys or (then) husband at the expense of myself and my dreams.  When everything came crumbing down, my self confidence was at it's lowest, all I wanted to do was hide away from the world.  Petrified to hold hope of any kind and too proud to ask for help.  

The gift from both experiences has been the journey home to myself AND reconnecting with my soul.  I've discovered the joy and richness in life and now choose to live in a way that nourishes and is in alignment with my soul.  I have a whole new level of lived experience around how important it is for my home to be able to hold me.

(By being a safe haven, where I feel nutured and restored.  Reminding me of the who I aspire to be.  A place filled with joy and laughter, where the connections that matter the most are able to flourish).

Through the support + guidance of a wide range of coaches + mentors over the last 6 years, I've been able to navigate waters that I would never have contemplated doing on my own.

It's a journey that has lead me here, to mentoring heart-driven visionaries to move from dreaming about a soul-filled home to creating it.  Doing it in a way that is joyful and lights them up.


but nowI know how to help!

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     for the heart-driven visionaries who.....


recognises that by prioritising yourself & the creation ofyour home, you are intern prioritising those that matter most to you.

wants to feel confident in your voice + vision to finally create your soul-filled home.

dream of designing + creating a soul-filled home that makes sense for you.  Rather than how others say it should be!

It's probably        for you if...


You're not ready yet to say yes to yourself.

YOUr heart & body aren't feeling it's a yes!!!

YOUr style is to 'wing it' and figure things out as you go.